Episode 5: North Haven Brewing Co. and Maine Open Online
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You may have seen recent reports calling Maine out as being highly vulnerable to this economic downturn. And yes, in Maine, the percentage of both self-employed individuals and small businesses is high compared to other parts of the United States. While statistically these businesses are at a high risk of failure, being a small business owner in Maine has never been easy and resiliency is very difficult to capture with numbers. There isn't an easy way to account for the hardworking spirit and readiness to do whatever it takes to make these small businesses survive.

In this episode, we talk with Liz Lovell of North Haven Brewing Company on North Haven Island. She talks about how they’ve rewritten their business plan and are doing whatever they can do keep the lights on—but also be safe and help keep their community healthy.

And along the lines of staying open, we also chat with Rebecca Falzano, co-founder of Helm Digital, the marketing firm that started Maine Open Online, a website database that any Maine business who sells online can and should join for free.

Listen to Episode 5 here


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Contributed by

Claire Donnelly