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At the Island Institute, we work alongside Maine’s island and coastal leaders to catalyze community sustainability. Our commitment to the islands of Maine includes sharing what works among these diverse locations, so that other island and coastal communities can meet the unique challenges they face.

Throughout our history, we have addressed a variety of needs in Maine's island and coastal communities and now focus on supporting them through three strategic priority areas:

  • Strengthening Community Economies through small business training and support, aquaculture business development, high-speed broadband access and digital literacy, access to affordable renewable energy, and helping island and coastal communities prepare for impacts from climate changes and sea level rise.
  • Enhancing Education & Leadership through professional development programs for municipal and educational leaders, scholarships and support for island and coastal students, and workforce development for future leading industries.  
  • Delivering & Sharing Solutions by building capacity through our Island Fellowships, and sharing information and resources through our publications, online and digital content, community research (The Working Waterfront newspaper, Island JournalWaypoints, What Works Solutions Library), and our conferences and events.

For more information on our work in each of these areas, visit the About Us section of our website.

Thanks to the generosity and partnership of our donors and members, we are able to support our mission of sustaining Maine's island and coastal communities. We offer a variety of membership levels and opportunities for getting involved with the Institute and are proud to have a strong member base that allows us to continue this important work.

To learn more about making a donation, becoming a member, renewing a membership, or joining us at an upcoming event, click on one of the links below: