We've been paying close attention to how some of this year's biggest issues in the lobster fishing industry might play out for our coastal communities. As peak lobster fishing season approaches, fishing communities are faced with extra challenges this year—the herring bait shortage, impending right whale rules, and the ongoing opioid crisis continues to concern us. Community members have been anticipating how and when these issues might converge, who will be affected, what resources are available, and we are keen to connect people with supportive networks and needed resources.
We would like to keep this conversation going by providing a resource document outlining key information on the opioid crisis in Maine, along with updates on the bait shortage and right whale rules. We are sharing this information with community leaders in the hope that we might consider these issues in conjunction to help prepare communities for potential impacts.
We recognize that there are many local resources beyond what this document begins to outline, and that community leaders are often best positioned to listen and respond to local concerns. The Island Institute sees our role as supportive and connective and if there is any way we can assist in connecting members of your community to the resources they might need, please reach out to us.
The information and resource document can be found here:
Opioids, Bait, and Right Whales Resources
More information about what local and state leaders are doing about the opioid crisis can be found on a separate blog post:
State and Local Leaders Address The Opioid Crisis

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