Featuring contributions by Elizabeth Ogilvie, Tom Moffatt, and Inka Milewski, poetry by Ruth Fox, and artwork by Jamie Wyeth.
- Three Island Families by Deborah DuBrule
- Last Waltz on Criehaven by Elizabeth Ogilvie
- What Good Is a Wild Island? by Susan Hand Shetterly
- The King, the Mayor and the rest of us by Roger F. Duncan
- "Fixed Link" by Ann Thurlow
- Penobscot by George Oppen
- Folio: Our Harbors, Ourselves - essay by Joe Upton
- Mapping the Gulf of Maine's historic cod spawning areas by Ted Ames & Scott Dickerson
- Apri 7, 1942: The Great Machias Bay Codfish Run by Ted Ames
- From the Bottom Up by James Wilson & James Acheson
- Research, Education, Showmanship by Scott Allen
- "A little bit of aquaculture" by Tom Moffatt
- A Stirring of Ravens by Susan Hand Shetterly
- Remarkable Rockweed by Inka Milewski
- In His Problem-Solving Boots by Hannah Holmes
- Time Out for Science by David D. Platt
- A Loom on the Water by Ruth Fox