Featuring contributions by Maggie Fyffe, Jim Acheson, and Nancy Griffin, poetry by Patricia Ranzoni, and artwork by Dwight Blaney.
- "Up for Sale" by Maggie Fyffe
- Lost Generation by Nancy Griffin
- Three Islands, Three Experiences by Deborah DuBrule
- "The Boat" by Jane Day
- Sea Transit: Retracing the voyage of Vitus Bering by Philip Conkling
- Where seabirds nest by Alan Hutchinson
- The Making of a conservationist by Steven May
- "The Edge of the Bottom" by David Conover
- Community Science by Jim Acheson
- Clams by Annette Naegel
- Herring by Scott Dickerson
- Shad by Steve Cartwright
- Lobsters by David Conover
- "An unpretentious exercise" by David D. Platt
- A Sea of Drugs by Edgar M.W. Boyd
- Dwight Blaney, Ironbound Artist by Carl Little
- Hitting bottom on the rock by Karen Roberts Jackson
- "For a New Year's Morning" by Patricia Ranzoni