Posted August 30, 2019
Last modified August 30, 2019
On Saturday, Sept. 28, Penobscot Marine Museum’s Maine Marine Fare takes a closer look at the state of Maine fisheries with a full day conference.
The classic image of a Maine fisherman is the lobsterman who owns and operations his own boat with a small crew. While this is still the case, Maine is diversifying its fisheries.
Maine Marine Fare’s conference themes will focus on land-based and sea-based aquaculture, bait fisheries, processing fish, and dam removal, and the return of the fish. Professor Robert Steneck, Ph.D., School of Marine Sciences, The University of Maine, with present the keynote on The Current State of the Gulf of Maine Fisheries.
Maine Marine Fare will run 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Searsport’s Union Hall, located at 1 Union Street. The conference cost is $75 for the general public, $60 for Penobscot Marine Museum members, teachers and non-profit employees, and $30 for students. Lunch will be provided.
Advanced registration is required by September 16. For more information or to register visit or call 207-548-2529.
About Penobscot Marine Museum
Penobscot Marine Museum brings Maine’s maritime history to life on a campus of beautiful historic buildings in the charming seacoast village of Searsport. Exhibits include hands-on activities for children and adults, as well as a ship captain’s house, marine paintings, scrimshaw, 19th century Chinese and Japanese pottery, boat models, historic Maine boats, a fisheries exhibit, and an heirloom garden. The Museum has over 200,000 historic photographs, and a maritime history research library. Museum offices and research library are open year round. Exhibits are open seven days a week, Memorial Day weekend through the third Sunday in October. PMM’s Visitors Center is located at 40 E. Main Street, Searsport. For more information call 207-548-2529 or visit
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