Featuring contributions by Robin Alden, Peter H. Spectre, and David Weale, poetry by Amy Clampitt, and artwork by Jamie Wyeth.
- Rooftops by George Putz
- Are Islands in Maine's Future? by J. Mason Morfit
- Strange Bedfellows by Robin Alden
- Fishing as a Foreign Language by Mike Brown
- Bandit Island by Clinton Trowbridge
- Cruising the Gulf of Maine, Part II by Thomas D. Cabot
- Folio: Jamie Wyeth on Monhegan
- Keeping the Past Present by Jane Day
- Island to Island: A gathering of island historians
- So You Want to Buy an Island? by Peter H. Spectre
- Solitude by Philip Conkling
- The Thin Edge by Richard Podolsky
- This Island Earth: Prince Edward Island by Harry Bagole & David Weale
- What the Light was Like by Amy Clampitt
- The Big Picture by Philip Conkling