Featuring contributions by Mike Gorman, Sandra Dinsmore, and Dean Lunt, poetry by Jan Bailey, and artwork by Janet Redfield.
- A Beneficent Magic by Philip Conkling
- The Mr. Wulp Effect by Karen Roberts Jackson
- "Something Different To Look At" by Mike Gorman
- The Dream Keeper by Susan Hand Shetterly
- Folio: A Siren Call by John Fowles
- Boats and Hoops by Sandra Dinsmore
- Running Together by K.J. Vaux
- Hard Times, Good Times and the Seat of the Pants by Donna Miller Damon
- Evicted by Deborah DuBrule
- The Land Called Nunavut by Dylan, Tristan & Hope Jackson
- The Defense that Failed by Randy Purinton
- A Fitting Destruction by John Bockstoce
- The Great Lobster Collaboration by Philip Conkling
- A Certain Obscurity
- Removing Time and Distance by Brian Willson
- Frenchboro at War, 1941-1945 by Dean Lunt
- Salt Water Windows by Janet Redfield