Lobsterman Keith Miller and crew harvest kelp in St. George, Maine


Aquaculture in Maine

With Maine’s fisheries facing an uncertain future, marine-related economic diversification can help support Maine’s island and remote coastal working communities. Shellfish and seaweed aquaculture can provide fishermen and their families a way to continue making a living from the water for years to come. Learn more about how we're working to explore the benefits of aquaculture for Maine's waters, educate people about our marine environment, and help members of our island and coastal fishing communities succeed in the aquaculture industry.
Featured Resources

March 3, 2020

More than 95% of edible seaweed products found in the U.S. are currently imported, yet Maine waters provide the perfect conditions for growing quality sea vegetables locally. Maine aquaculturists are harvesting a highly nutritious, organic product and are seeing a surge in interest in edible seaweed across the country. This 2020 study provides the most up-to-date analysis of Maine’s edible seaweed market conditions and indicates how investments in this sector could enhance Maine’s coastal economy by diversifying marine livelihoods and providing new supply-chain businesses and jobs.

September 27, 2019

Many Maine communities have identified climate-related vulnerabilities to their homes, businesses, and natural areas due to the impacts of sea level rise and increases in severe storms. Finding funding for adaptation solutions is often a major barrier to addressing these concerns and moving forward. Taking place on September 27, 2019, in Belfast, Maine, "ShoreUp Maine 2019: Sea Level Rise—Who Pays and How?" was a daylong conference highlighting innovative strategies to help communities pay for projects to increase their resilience to sea level rise and severe storms.

October 31, 2017

Have you heard about the Northeast Ocean Plan or wondered what's included in it? Would you like to learn how it works, or how it can be relevant to your community? The plan itself is lengthy and focuses on how government agencies will work with each other, use data, and communicate with stakeholders. To help explain the plan to people who live and work in coastal communities but haven’t been closely following the process, the Island Institute put together this animated video.

July 7, 2016

A  series of fact sheets to help fishermen and coastal community members answer common questions about starting an aquaculture business.

June 30, 2016

This document provides contextual information about the lobster fishery and outlines some common concerns that fishermen have when they are facing changing ocean uses, in order to inform ocean planning efforts.