News of Maine's Coast and Islands
Each section includes “Maine Rest Stops” where Brechlin spotlights some element of Maine…
Carl Little
He may shine in a lobster boat—tough and tenacious—but not in a marriage bed.
Tina Cohen
Two publications came out just as the world was shutting down...
Living for a number of years now in rural western Maine with her husband, she is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and gun ownership rights
With no place to hunt, these bears feed on the “hormone-fed sides of beef” they find in the city.
While a good set of paper plans may represent a design pretty well, it can miss what a boat will actually look like…
David Platt
The entries are, if not always evocations of feeling, at least statements about the feelings that go with seeing a climate disaster coming…
Dana Wilde
She retains her rough edges, her defenses, but we see tenderness and empathy too.
“Dominion” is the translation of the Hebrew word radah, whose literal meaning is to tread down, or dominate…