News of Maine's Coast and Islands
“When you read a poem with something going on in it, you get this shiver.” — Tom Moore
Dana Wilde
Those few minutes in his boat were so powerful that they challenged his assumptions about what’s real.
Soon he’s paying regular evening visits to the lithe, alcoholic 50-year-old widow…
Best Philbrook is one of the people featured in the Swan’s Island Historical Society’s new exhibit at the Burnt Coat Harbor Lighthouse, called “Maritime Women on Swan's Island.”
Laurie Schreiber
“The Vietnam War was a complete betrayal of the young men and women who fought in it,” writes Charles Kniffen.
Tom Groening
A passion for place is the overarching theme of this engaging book.
Carl Little
The museum provides an opportunity for the art lover to walk out its doors and be surrounded by the subjects represented within.
“I realized there are so many amazing stories here…” — Leta Hallowell
Courtney Naliboff