Posted September 22, 2015
Last modified September 22, 2015
Cities and towns in Maine are making decisions each day that improve their economic health or, unfortunately, can make things harder for community members, businesses and taxpayers. The Community Institute, a program of the Friends of Midcoast Maine, offers its fourth workshop on such matters, Community Economics, on Thursday, Oct. 22 at The Daniel in Brunswick.
Join this session to learn the facts, the nuts and bolts, the numbers that don't lie, about how we can grow healthy Maine communities and know the costs and benefits of our decisions.
Learn about:
* Decisions our communities make that are good investments for the future
* The difference between growth and productive growth that builds wealth for our communities
* How transportation systems can create prosperity in our communities
* Being obsessive about accounting for revenues, expenses, assets, and long term liabilities
* How our development patterns can create productivity
* How our communities need leadership that understands these principles
* Resources for your community so that your community can shape its own future
* How you can empower people to get engaged and involved
* How to turn ideas into actions
* How to harness the energy in your community and how to energize your community
Faculty members include:Charles Marohn from Strong Towns; Joe Minicozzi from Urban3 LLC; Yellow Light Breen from the Maine Development Foundation; Rob Brown of Business Owners Solutions; Kenneth Greenleaf of MaineStream Finance; Jonathan LaBonte from the city of Auburn; and Kevin Bunker of Developers Collaborative.
Registration is $125 per person for this extensive one-day session, which includes continental breakfast, lunch and all materials. For more information, including about the next two sessions set for 2016, and to register, visit
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