News of Maine's Coast and Islands
News and views on the places we cover: Maine's island and remote coastal communities.
It is hard to overstate how important the Island Store is to the community. The store is one of the only public spaces open in the winter...
Molly Siegel
I stayed still, for a minute longer, to make sure my brain was capturing the positive imagery.
Barbara Fernald
“We’re focusing our development efforts on the urban core…” —City Manager David Cole
Laurie Schreiber
To a Matinicus resident, Bajupa was more than just a way to move bait and lobster between the island and the mainland.
The students thrust the storage bin lid containing 37 or so wriggling worms into my arms.
Mainlanders must dispel the idea of island communities as existing like museums in a glass case.
We Americans love the idea of frontiers, which have played an outsized role in the national imagination.
Rob Snyder, Ph.D.
As it turns out, islanders are committed to cutting energy costs and consumption, as became apparent...
Tom Groening
Those in charge claim it was a significant installation in “winning” the Cold War.
Tom Walsh