When I said I was going to write about apples Kaitlyn’s eyes lit up. “I love picking apples on the island. It’s one of my most favorite things to do! Getting outside in the fall sun, picking with a view of the water, it’s the best.
Maine's top lobster landing port each year is Stonington, and according to the Island Ad-Vantages newspaper, the value of landings in 2014 exceeded the previous year by $11 million, hitting a total value of $60 million.
In September, Tarah Waters began work in Eastport as an Island Fellow through the Island Institute (publisher of The Working Waterfront). Waters is a Colorado native and graduate of Salve Regina University in Newport, R.I. with a B.A. in international studies.
Visitor numbers at Acadia National Park continue to climb, a positive trend mirrored by the state as a whole. Park visitation as of Oct. 31 was up 8 percent over the same period in 2014, which had 2.56 million visitors overall and was one of the park’s top years ever...
Richard Aroneau, along with his wife Kit Remsen Aroneau, launched Planet in Camden in 1991 and then opened the store in Rockland in 2004. The Rockland store is closing this fall, but not because its stock is out of vogue with children.