News of Maine's Coast and Islands
It’s happening. Right before our eyes. And it’s going to get worse...
Dana Wilde
But we do not live by pickles alone. A solid collection of tomato sauce, or juice, which our neighbor Janis makes, plus canned peaches...
Sandy Oliver
Stephanie Spera promises she won’t be bored by your old vacation photos, even if she doesn’t know any of the people in them. As long as those photos show Acadia National Park in autumn, she’s interested.
Tom Groening
The story, not the subject, has driven the coverage.
Nearing was indicted on charges of sedition; specifically, undermining the U.S. efforts in fighting what came to be known as World War I.
For Merritt Carey, the small coastal village of Tenants Harbor is the place that anchors her soul.
“Right whales are showing up in unexpected places, probably looking for food but not knowing where to find it.”
—Nick Record
Stephanie Bouchard
“If people wiped them out, people could restore them.”
—Stephen Kress
Selinger already has 20 customers and has booked shucking gigs for weddings, corporate parties…