News of Maine's Coast and Islands
We were peppered with questions. What is a story? What is flash fiction?
Insistent rejection of consensus in the absence of compelling evidence is anything but a reflection of scientific curiosity and humility.
On Aug. 12, 2019, 6-8 p.m., “Welcoming the Stranger: Downeast Cares” happened.
Still raining, or raining again. Haven’t noticed, but the tide has turned, and the falls is going the other way.
I've always been someone who feels too much as it is…
At this magical moment, Martin jumped down from the back of the truck, his hand extended…
Losing Kristin brings into clear focus how heavy a weight is placed on teachers today.
The three proposals outlined below would, if implemented even partially, mitigate the looming bait shortages for lobstermen across the Gulf of Maine.
The church is trying to re-establish a year-round presence—not to proselytize, but to provide aid, comfort, and pastoral continuity…