News of Maine's Coast and Islands
Both the Furniture Market and the Red Studio have become shopping destinations—and ambassadors for the elder services provided by the two facilities.
There is a frantic energy in the air, an alloy of everyone’s fomo (fear of missing out).
Barbara Fernald
“You’ve got to try new things, Mom. Like I did.”
Courtney Naliboff
Halfway Rock was on a list of surplus property and would soon go on the auction block to the highest bidder.
Donna Miller Damon
Crimped edges, lattice covered, golden pastry, and open-faced pies.
Sandy Oliver
During that youthful period, we were applauding Ed Muskie and Margaret Chase Smith simultaneously.
Phil Crossman
Some of my best moments this year have been impossible—and perhaps more memorable because of it—for me to capture in a photo.
Dan DeBord
How long would Great Cranberry remain viable as a year-round community? Things looked bleak.
Laurie Schreiber
In addition to countless private boats, charter lines bring across 50-60 guests at a time almost daily in the summer months.