In addition to critical structural work on the tower, the lighthouse committee is looking to replace the fog bell that originally accompanied the light.
Waterfronts and those coastal towns that bustle with visitors in the summer tend to go quiet after the new year dawns. But that doesn't mean decisions affecting those waterfronts and towns aren't being made.
The Icelandic company Eimskip has facilities across the world and recently moved most of its U.S. operation to Portland, offering direct container shipping to Europe, a service not available in Maine since the 1980s.
Christmas Day in the Cranberry Isles arrived with winds high enough to cause ferry cancelations, though the air temperature was unseasonably mild. Fortunately for us, our family had arrived two days earlier.
Belfast's Front Street Shipyard has been the biggest thing to happen to the city's waterfront since the poultry plant was demolished in the late 1990s and the high-end yacht service yard is poised to expand again.