News of Maine's Coast and Islands
Amy and Andy Barstow, who have been running the business since 2010, are in the midst of a major rebuild of the business’s infrastructure.
Tom Groening
The story, not the subject, has driven the coverage.
For Merritt Carey, the small coastal village of Tenants Harbor is the place that anchors her soul.
“Right whales are showing up in unexpected places, probably looking for food but not knowing where to find it.”
—Nick Record
Stephanie Bouchard
The new executive director of the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative aims to increase product value and tackle messaging around issues that affect the lobster industry.
Laurie Schreiber
“If people wiped them out, people could restore them.”
—Stephen Kress
“Between restoring power for steerage and propulsion, it was only a matter of 15 minutes.” —Brian Downey Jr.
Tom Walsh
Halfway Rock was on a list of surplus property and would soon go on the auction block to the highest bidder.
Donna Miller Damon
“It’s a challenging thing, trying to get people to care about something you can’t see.”