News of Maine's Coast and Islands
It was clear to those assembled that this was the end for the chicks. The raging current would carry them…
Phil Crossman
When it was revealed to me that one of the three old men I’d passed was, in fact, Scottie…
It generated such outrage that it was taken down from Facebook within hours...
These girls are a remarkable bunch. They instinctively hand off real time leadership from one to the other…
The mission of the women’s march is inclusivity, to ensure protection of the rights, safety and health of us all
I will not allow any effort to build a wall to go unchallenged or any attempt to curtail the influx of refugees from horror and war…
In way over his head and not in an agreeable frame of mind, he stormed across the dining room, gathering his wits about him…
As he kept trying and failing to get her re-started, the boat drifted quickly, with the incoming tide, till it banged up against the deck of room 4
Island legend, writer and historian Ivan Calderwood left his island home and land to the town of Vinalhaven for the purpose of providing a home for older islanders no longer able to adequately provide for themselves.