News of Maine's Coast and Islands
Recently, I read about philosopher Albert Borgmann’s concept of “focal” things and practices. A focal thing is something that provides
Caroline Carrigan
I keep my eyes focused on a distant, imaginary point on the horizon, trying to trick my inner ear…
I love the whole concept of taking a month of vacation at the start of the year…
Barbara Fernald
Giving thanks works
To the editor:
I really connected with Barbara Fernald's piece on “tacking toward the positives” in life (Cranberry Report, November issue).
Staff Writer
Areas along the Maine coast get an average of 46 inches of rain a year…
Three of our boys, newly graduated, assume their customary drinking station on the stern.
Phil Crossman
Winter is our time of potential energy. We’re not at rest; the island keeps ticking…
Courtney Naliboff
Even though I don’t snowmobile, I really enjoyed Matt Weber’s book, Making Tracks, published by Islandport Press. Although he lives on Monhegan
George Smith
The stunning Island Funeral, 1939, offers a bird’s-eye view of boats arriving at Teel’s Island…
Carl Little