News of Maine's Coast and Islands
As far as I can tell right now, nothing is at the top of any food chain…
Sandy Oliver
If we didn’t cut firewood and grow gardens in summer, we’d freeze and starve in January.
Tom Groening
“Bones!” a student exclaimed. “More bones!” another echoed.
Now, if you’ve ever attended or watched a city council budget meeting, you know that something as mundane as sidewalk construction can spark debate.
The biggest decision will be how to equitably and safely choose a way achieve a 50 percent reduction in vertical lines.
Susie Arnold, Ph.D.
It’s as if … we have locked ourselves into “a running car in a sealed garage.”
Dana Wilde
Over the course of the last 30 years, the Maine Supreme Judicial Court (also known as the Law Court) has issued a series of legal opinions about the extent of public rights in the intertidal zone.
Everyone around me has the same pinwheel-eyed expression.
Courtney Naliboff
Oh, how we islanders long to drive our cars directly from the grocery store to our houses.
Barbara Fernald