• lobster traps
    May 14

    I was left with the impression that if something needed to be done, people in the community step up and do it.


  • The Washington Mall
    April 29

    Leaving from Portland, we arrived in D.C. and immediately jumped on the metro train, taking it to the other side of the city where we were welcomed by a couple that summers on Deer Isle. Volunteering to host us for the long weekend, they were excited to offer students a "big city experience."

    Media, Education & Leadership

  • students at work
    March 16

    Ian Watkins is​ an Island Fellow, a participant in a two-year service program operated by AmeriCorps and the Island Institute, doing community development work on islands and remote coastal communities. Watkins works on Deer Isle and the Downeast coast with high school students. 

    Education & Leadership

  • Stonington houses
    February 19

    A class isn't about handing a student a thick binder, online or otherwise, of lessons and assessments; it requires the teacher delivering and teach the material. The main task of creating an online class involves substituting this time-tested and highly effective method of delivering content.

    Community Engagement

  • Ian Watkins plays his fiddle
    February 2

    Ian Watkins is an Island Fellow, a participant in a two-year service program operated by AmeriCorps and the Island Institute, doing community development work on islands and remote coastal communities. Watkins works on Deer Isle and the Downeast coast with high school students.

    Community Engagement