News of Maine's Coast and Islands
Much of our content these last months has been guest columns and essays, and I don’t regret choosing these pieces.
Tom Groening
Maine has seen booms and busts of epic proportions for as long as it has had a modern economy.
Jack Sullivan
At peak, 500 Americans were dying in the jungle each week.
Dana Wilde
In the meantime, those wise enough to stay put need to cope with staying put…
Tom Walsh
You could rewrite these sentences remembering the 1960s and early ’70s. Will I contract a draft notice this week? Will my brother, uncle, or cousins?
I keep my eyes focused on a distant, imaginary point on the horizon, trying to trick my inner ear…
It’s happening. Right before our eyes. And it’s going to get worse...
After Readers Digest published Rich’s short piece about Corea, giving summer refuge to a writer from away didn’t sit well with some of the locals.
Whether I was summer people or island people was never clear to me.