• Vinalhaven village from the water.
    August 26

    A few weeks ago, a big man burst into the Tidewater Motel lobby mid-morning carrying a half-dozen unmarked white cardboard boxes, each about 18-inches by 18-inches and 4-inches deep. He’d emerged from an unmarked white pickup that held three white chest freezers in its bed, tied down haphazardly with pot warp.

  • Courtney Naliboff as Annie Oakley.
    August 26

    There is a particularly odious saying that gets bandied about from time to time: "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach." Rather than get my hackles up, I let it goad me into action.

  • Group photo
    August 25

    Whether you’re out for a stroll on Portland's Eastern Promenade or cruising on a boat on Casco Bay, you can't miss Fort Gorges, the stone sentinel that sits on a tiny island in Portland Harbor. Construction on the fort began in 1858 and it was completed in 1865.

  • old Cape Cod house on Isle au Haut shore
    August 25

    It is the solitude and opportunity for reflection that I find myself missing on occasion in the bustle of July and August.

    Community Engagement, Media

  • Island School painting
    August 25

    There were likely many school board members who breathed a sigh of relief when the state announced it will no longer be using Smarter Balanced…

    Media, Education & Leadership

  • Cranberry Isles boat.
    August 25

    Last year, the town contracted with water transportation consultant Charles Norris, of Norris & Norris Associates in Cambridge, Mass., to assist the task force in identifying various combinations of public and private management and operation plans.

  • Swimming lessons in a quarry on Vinalhaven
    August 25

    Tracie Littlefield Martin (at the time, Tracie Littlefield.) Martin, a Vinalhaven native, began teaching swimming lessons for the Lions Club back in 1980 as a fresh-faced 17-year-old. First, she assisted the Red Cross instructors, and once she was certified she ran the program on her own. With the exception of five or six years in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Martin has run the program for the last 35 years.

  • Pulpit Harbor Bridge
    August 25

    Frustrations are mounting for all involved parties as the Pulpit Harbor Bridge renovation, scheduled to begin in January, has bee postponed for at least a year, according to Maine Department of Transportation senior project manager and project engineer Michael Wight.

  • Being photographed on the boat.
    August 25

    I’m curious why tourists never ask what it’s like being a year-round resident in the summer when island populations quadruple, the mailboat is full to capacity, and there is so much more traffic on Mount Desert Island.