News of Maine's Coast and Islands
Power-generating technology piloted in Washington County will soon provide a commercial source of electricity in Alaska.
“Our people don’t have a word for adaptation. It’s just what we’ve always done.”
Sam Belknap
It’s not uncommon for people to sharply disagree about what is being shown…
Tom Groening
The state’s hospitality industry employs nearly 86,000 people during the summer…
The equipment issued to our field officers has drastically improved over the last 20 years…
Laurie Schreiber
I have fallen in love as though she and gravity were one thing.
Phil Crossman
In late 2017, the ferry service initiated consideration of fare hikes because the highway fund, which also pays for much of the road and bridge work in Maine, was providing more than half of the ferry service costs.
Sometimes a barge works with your schedule and sometimes you wait for days or weeks…
Barbara Fernald
Monhegan’s Lyme disease saga begins with the introduction of two species…
Jack Sullivan